Pub. 10 2015-2016 Issue 6
March/April 2016 19 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. experience access BKD National Financial Services Group On site = insight. When you work with BKD National Financial Services Group, expect attention from partners and managers you’ll see and hear from regularly. BKD’s partner- to-staff ratio is lower than the average found in other national firms. We take a genuine interest in your financial institution, and we express it by being available, reliable, engaged and proactive. Experience how our insights can help take your organization to the next level. PARTNER TO STAFF 1:5 Lincoln // 402.473.7600 Omaha // 402.392.1040 Regulatory Representation Mergers and Acquisitions Business Succession Planning Litigation toll free 844-704-5296 Omaha Lincoln Newman Grove Providing Nebraska Businesses with Fiber Optic Speed • Dedicated Internet Access • Ethernet COMPETING AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL STARTS WITH NEBRASKALINK 888-893-2185 8-893-218
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