Pub. 11 2016-2017 Issue 5

January/February 2017 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. Russ Horn is the president of CoNetrix, a provider of information technology consulting, IT/GLBA audits, and security testing, Aspire IT hosting, and the developer of tandem, a security and compliance software suite. Visit CoNetrix at . Providing Nebraska Businesses with Fiber Optic Speed • Dedicated Internet Access • Ethernet COMPETING AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL STARTS WITH NEBRASKALINK 888-893-2185 8-893-218 3. Developing the site so it can be presented in dif- ferent ways (e.g., simpler layouts) without losing information or structure. 4. Making it easier for users to see and hear content (e.g., color, contrast, size). 5. Making all functions available from a keyboard. 6. Providing users enough time to read and use content. 7. Not presenting content in ways known to induce seizures. 8. Providing ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are on the site. 9. Making text content readable and understandable. 10. Making webpages appear and operate in predictable ways (e.g., consistent navigation). 11. Helping users avoid and correct mistakes (e.g., input error detection, error prevention, context-sensitive help). 12. Maximizing compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies. What can my bank do? 1. Understand the requirements and expectations of ADA. Recently, there has been an abundance of op- portunities (e.g., articles, webinars) to help you gain a better understanding of web accessibility guidelines. Take advantage of these opportunities so you know what is expected of your bank and how you can best provide equal access and opportunities through your website. 2. Contact your web developer and online banking vendor or staff. Most web designs and online bank- ing providers know and understand ADA and WCAG guidelines and strive to develop non-discriminatory, accessible sites. In addition, review contracts withweb development companies to ensure ADA requirements are addressed. 3. Conduct an ADA compliance review of your bank’s website. Contact your IT audit or penetration test- ing company to see if they perform ADA compliance reviews. In addition, a variety of scanning tools are available for your use or security firms you can hire to audit your website for ADA compliance. An audit will give your bank an idea of where you stand and show that you are taking proactive steps toward website ADA compliance. 