Pub. 11 2016-2017 Issue 6 24 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. N EBRASKABANKERSASSOCIATION Past Chairman Leslie An- dersen holds a remarkable passion for the banking in- dustry. This passion for banking—for helping others move closer to their ambitions—recently led her to an extraordinary opportunity: a conver- sation about regulatory relief for the banking industry with our nation’s leader, President Donald Trump. An- dersen, who is president and CEO of the Bank of Bennington, was among nine community bank CEOs who were present at the March 9 meeting at the White House. All banks aim to serve their custom- ers and communities effectively. In recent years, however, completing the banking mission has been made dif- ficult. Current regulations inhibit job creation, limit new business creation, stall lending, and stunt economic growth. Recognizing the influence financial institutions have on the economic prosperity of our nation, President Trump reportedly plans to implement extensive regulatory relief for banks so they may better serve their customers and communities. Taking that first step toward relief, Trump invited a handful of community bankers from across the U.S. to speak with him about the need to roll back regulatory burdens. Andersen is the third generation in her family to serve as chairman of the NBA. She held the position in 2001- 2002. Her grandfather Harold E. Roe served in the position in 1958-1959 and her father Jerry E. Roe served as NBA chairman in 1980-1981. Growing up in the world of community banking, Andersen knew as a child that she, too, wanted to be involved in the industry. “[Banking] is all about helping people achieve their dreams,” she said. “I like to help people achieve their dreams. You have to be flexible and a problem-solver and creative in ways to get that done.” Recognizing Andersen’s passion for serving others, extensive banking Quinn Hullett , Nebraska Bankers Association Passion Fuels Nebraska Banker’s Meeting With President Trump expertise, and leadership roles at the national, regional, state, and local levels, American Bankers Association President and CEO Rob Nichols per- sonally called the community banker and asked her to be one of the partici- pants in the discussion with Trump— a week before the conversation was scheduled to take place. “I was very taken aback,” Andersen said. “I think anybody would be with that call, knowing the president had never met with community bankers before.” In the few days she had to prepare, Andersen spoke with fellow attendees about their goals during the presiden- tial meeting. Becoming acquainted with one another and promoting uni- versal understanding within the group was vital to communicating effectively with the president as well as ensuring the future well-being of their banks and communities. On the day of the meeting, Ander- sen, Nichols, and the other commu- nity bankers congregated at the White House where they were soon met by the press and, after some waiting, President Trump himself. “He was very approachable,” An- dersen said. The meeting was preceded and followed by photo-ops. Though these photos will serve as a tangible re- minder of the day’s affairs, it is the events that took place before and after they were taken that will remain with Andersen and fellow attendees in the years to come. “[Trump] had questions and want- ed to understand things. He was very prepared,” Andersen recalled. “We just had a conversation with him.”
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