Pub. 12 2017-2018 Issue 2 22 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. Bert Ely’s FARM CREDIT WATCH ® Shedding Light on the Farm Credit System, America’s Least Known GSE © 2017 Bert Ely FCA Continues to Grossly Misrepresent FCS’ YBS Lending A T ITS JUNE 8, 2017, MEETING, THE THREE DIRECTORS OF THE Farm Credit Administration (FCA) were presented with the Farm Credit Administration’s (FCA’s) annual report on Farm Credit System (FCS) lending to young, beginning, and small (YBS) farmers. As in prior years, this year’s report grossly overstates the FCS’ YBS lending activities. Read the report at tation.pdf and related fact sheet at NewsReleaseFactSheets/YBSFactSheet2016.pdf. The FCA has always readily admitted that it double and triple counts its YBS
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