Pub. 13 2018-2019 Issue 4

NEBRASKA BANKERS ASSOCIATION 15 Meet your challenges when they’re still opportunities. formore informationregardingRSMUSLLPandRSM International. RSMand our global network of technology andmanagement consultants specialize inworking with dynamic, growing companies. This focus leads to custom insights designed tomeet your specific challenges. Our experience, combinedwith yours, helps you move forwardwith confidence to reach even higher goals. Lee Anderbery Traci Oliver Marlene Wade Tara Koester IN BUSINESS TO FURTHER YOUR BUSINESS Y OUR A DVOCATES : Nebraska’s correspondent team B ANKERS ’ B ANK OF THE W EST BBWEST . COM 411 South 13th Street | Lincoln, Nebraska | 402-476-0400 WE CHAMPION COMMUNITY BANKING FDIC