Pub. 13 2018-2019 Issue 4
NEBRASKA BANKERS ASSOCIATION 17 Samantha Torrez is a Cybersecurity Fundamentals certified Senior Tandem Support Specialist for CoNetrix. Tandem is a security and compliance software suite designed to help financial institutions develop and maintain their Information Security Programs. To learn about how CoNetrix can help you, visit our website at or email Limit access to posting. Bigger banks tend to leave this responsibility to a marketing team, but if you are a smaller community institution, youmight need some assistance with this matter. Designate responsible parties who are allowed to post to your social media accounts, and make sure they know the do’s and don’ts for posting to your accounts. Have a review process prior to posting. Review the post for content, grammar and spelling, images, confidential information, and any other information that may be important to your institution. When an image or link is in- cluded in the post, check the link for safety and the image for clean content. Nobody wants to direct viewers to a malicious website, or show an image that violates the guidelines of social media platforms. Spelling and grammar may seem like an obvi- ous thing to review, but small mistakes can have embarrassing consequences. Check, re-check, and check again before posting. Keep the message simple and audience-focused. Define the message you want readers to see when they view your post. Are you letting prospects know about a new service you are offering, or perhaps notifying customers about the open- ing of a new location? Whatever the message is, make sure to be clear and concise. Do not get caught up in the popularity of memes or other popular social media trends –not every audience will understand the message you are trying to convey. A little humor is fine, and even recommended, but make sure its humor that your diverse audience will understand and appreciate. Always monitor. Monitor what your bank is posting and what is being posted about your bank. If customers are disgruntled with a service, they often take to social media to release their frustrations. A positive aspect of this outlet is that it gives your bank the op- portunity to respond to the customer in a public environment, and address their concerns. When someone posts a comment or question on your posts, make sure to respond to their ques- tions in a timely manner. Doing so will not only show that you care about what they are asking, but that you pay attention to interactions they give on social media sites. Even if your bank does not manage any social media accounts, there is still plenty of monitoring to do. Oversee employee activity. Do not be a social media stalker, but if an employee is vent- ing a work issue on social media, that could reflect badly on your bank. Establish an internal environment where employees can bring their problems directly to their superiors or branch managers to be discussed in a civil manner. In addition, as long as things like tweeting and live-streaming continue to be social media trends, ensure your employees are familiar with your organization’s non-disclosure policy to verify they aren’t publishing confidential information. Have fun! While your job requires you to have a professional ap- pearance on social media, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are meant to help you make connections with colleagues and customers alike. Use this connection to your advantage, and do not be afraid to be friendly and genuine with your customers via social media.
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