Pub. 13 2018-2019 Issue 4

WWW.NEBANKERS.ORG 2 8 GS B . ORG BUDGET NOW FOR GSB — WH E R E B A N K I N G A N D L E A D E R S H I P C OM E T OG E T H E R . GSB 2019 The Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin - Madison has a proud history of providing exceptional programs that hone both banking and leadership skills. GSB lets bankers explore in the real world—with hands-on learning and the chance to network, collaborate and learn among some of the brightest leaders in the industry. Take advantage these powerful banking and leadership development programs and take your career, your team—and your bank—further. Graduate School of Banking July 28-August 9, 2019 GSB 75th Anniversary Homecoming August 4-7, 2019 Bank Technology Management School March 31 - April 5, 2019 Bank Technology Security School October 6-11, 2019 Human Resource Management School April 7-12, 2019 Financial Managers School September 15-20, 2019 Sales and Marketing School September 29 - October 4, 2019 Online Seminar Series Ongoing Throughout the Year BUDGET NOW FOR 2019 EDUCAT IONAL PROGRAMS E D U C A T I N G P R O F E S S I O N A L S , C R E A T I N G L E A D E R S