Pub. 5 2010-2011

United Bankers’ Bank | 10040 Regency Circle | Suite 310 | Omaha, NE 68114 | Chris Denney 402.651.8824 | Member FDIC UNETexchange On-We Goes Zero to Over 55% 2007 - 1% 2010 - 55% The UNETexchange On-We imaging network from United Bankers’ Bank just clocked in at an average of 55 percent peer-to-peer settlement. That might be slow for a dragster, but it's a blistering pace for an exchange that translates into substantial member savings. Continued Growth, Continued Savings Look to save even more in the future. UNETexchange continues to strategically fuel network growth throughout the Midwest, now running at 4.1 million items per month via more than 2,000 endpoints. Conversion Starts with Free Endpoint Analysis First for Your Success customer service from UBB – the nation’s first bankers’ bank – means hassle- free conversion. Start with a free Endpoint Analysis to determine how much you might save by clearing through UNETexchange On-We. Ready to save on costly processing fees at your bank? Just call us… first!