Pub. 5 2010-2011 Issue 4

me. my core processor — Brad Gregory President, Bank of Bolivar a more rewarding experience, focused on your success featuring: U 620.694.6800 U Being a DCI client is different than th e usual core processing experience. From the user group to the board room, DCI customers play an important role in our ownership and the development of our leading-edge iCore360 ® technologies. Just ask Brad Gregory, president at the Bank of Bolivar in Missouri, a DCI client for over 13 years, and more recently, also a DCI shareholder. “We put a high value on integrity, quality and a company's personal connection with us,” says Gregory. “DCI treats all their customers like family, and gets them involved in the company." At DCI , w e a lwa ys rem emb er who we wor k f or. Yo u d on’ t h ave to be a DCI sha reh old er to be a c lie nt, bu t b eca us e we are pr iva tel y o wne d b y b an k s, you can be su re we are fo cus ed o n what’s best f or you an d y ou r ne e ds as a ban ker—no t t he sto ck m arket or an emp ire of co rpo rat e a cq u isi tions. Join B rad and h und re d s of success fu l bankers nationw id e wh o e njo y today’s most ad v a n ced t echn o lo gy, backed by ne arl y 5 0 y ear s o f p ers o na l relationship s d ed i ca t ed to hel pin g you manag e y o u r b ank, yo ur way. Make it personal. Make DCI your core processor.