Pub. 5 2010-2011 Issue 6
March/April 2011 17 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. We take pride in our lending partnerships with more than 100 banks in our region. 3100 13th Ave. S., Fargo, N.D. | 800.450.8949 | STATEBANKS.COM MEMBER FDIC GENE UHER TOM ISHAUG HEIDI BYE > Participation loans > Bank stock & ownership loans > Bank building financing > Business & personal loans for bankers Call us for flexible underwriting, competitive rates and fast decisions! GARY KELLER 7OODMEN 4OWER s /MAHA .% s WWW BAIRDHOLM COM "AIRD (OLM ,,0 IS A MULTI SERVICE LAW lRM WITH ATTORNEYS PROVIDING RESULT ORIENTED COUNSEL FOR CORPORATE INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENTAL AND INDIVIDUAL CLIENTS 7E REPRESENT CLIENTS INCLUDING lNANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND BANK HOLDING COMPANIES IN ALL ASPECTS OF BANKING AND LENDING LAW ,EARN MORE ABOUT OUR PRACTICE AND HOW WE CAN BE OF VALUE TO YOU BY CALLING 3TEVE 4URNER AT 402.636.8256. Multiple services providing you with multiple values. What’s the one thing that’s unique about your bank? Since its founding in 1902, our bank has always been owned and managed by a member of the Williams family. Our son-in-law, Luke Rickertsen, joined the bank more than 10 years ago and with our son, Robert Williams, serves on our board. This ensures the continuation and stability of family involvement and will carry on our commitment to banking and our community. Our bank was founded in 1891 as a state-chartered bank. In 1900, it con- verted to a national bank charter. In 2003, we converted back to a state charter and new name: Bank of Newman Grove. My great-grandfather joined the bank in 1898 as cashier. I worked with my grandfather, H.L. (Buzz) Gerhart, Sr., and father, H.L. (Bud) Gerhart, Jr. We remain a lo- cally owned and operated community bank; with each passing day, that seems to make us unique amid the consolidation of the industry. Who’s the one person who has had the greatest influence on your career? It would be impossible to single out one person who has had the greatest influence on my career. My mentors have changed over time. Throughout my life, I have enjoyed the influence of my parents andmy sister Jan Gill. My children, Robert and Julie, have always given guidance and support. Various coaches and teachers helped shaped my direction. My banking career has been highly influenced by three very special people: mywife Susan, who has always been willing to support and understand my passion; Mike Nelson, who has been my friend, guide, and compass; and George Beattie, who has been a trusted advisor providing great encouragement and direction. My family. My grandparents Buzz and Dorothy, my parents Bud and Georgianne, my wife Becky, and my two children Patrick and Kyle have and continue to influence my banking career. They help shape who I am and what I do. My family has allowed me not only the opportunity to manage our bank, but also the opportunity to serve on both a state and national trade association level. I have had the good fortune to be associated with a lot of fine bankers in Nebraska and across the country who have helped along the way. What was your first job? Working on our family farm, hauling hay and fixing fences. I had no desire to work at the bank. My first banking job away from home was at the Kiowa State Bank in Kiowa, Colo., back in the mid-1970s. What was your biggest career break? Getting involved with the Nebraska Bankers Association. This involve- ment opened up opportunities to meet like-minded, passionate people who make a difference in our industry and who encouraged me to follow in their footsteps. This was certainly a spring board to my involvement representing our industry through the American Bankers Association. Finding out that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side of the fence and returning home to work alongside my father and grandfather in Newman Grove. Q National Notoriety — continued on page 18
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