Pub. 5 2010-2011 Issue 6 8 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. A GREAT EXAMPLE IS NEBRASKA bankers’ work over the past 20 years toprovide nearly 145,000 trees to beautify their commu- nities through participation in the Ne- braska Bankers Association’s “Planting Roots for the Future” program. We’ve been highlighting your ef- forts—big and small—on our website at . We want you to continue to share your stories with us by sending them to . We want every part and parcel of our nation represented in these examples of how you lead in your communities and support your local economies. You should be proud of what you do. Your accomplishments also should be recognized by others, including our lawmakers and policymakers in Washington. Each day, two million bankers perform the basic blocking and tackling that keeps our nation’s economy moving. I’m preaching to the choir when I say that you and your banks are es- sential to your customers and com- munities, and that you are essential to our economy. We all get this. But, too often, this message gets lost in the halls of Congress. We have to reinforce it—again and again. This is our job. Working together with your state bankers association, we are your voice and your advocate. We are your champion in promoting your bank’s—and your customers’—Main Street values. When we advocate for you—en- suring that your bank has the ability to compete—we’re also advocating what is best for your community. That’s a powerful and compelling combination. I’m looking forward to meeting, listening, and learning from you in the year ahead. A fellow Oklahoman, Will Rogers, once said, “A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by associationwith smarter people.” I like to do plenty of both, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me as we move forward, together. Z Washington Update Bankers: Leading By Example Gov. Frank Keating , President & CEO, American Bankers Association Several things impressed me in the weeks leading up to my becoming ABA’s new president and CEO on Jan. 1. One is the work that all of you do as bankers. You can and do improve the quality of people’s lives— through the loans you make and the savings you keep safe—and all the other extras such as supporting charitable activities. Reach Gov. Frank Keating by e-mail at visit us online!
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