Pub. 6 2011-2012 Issue 3 8 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. is that any increase in the amount of your bank’s NBA dues over the past eight years is due to growth in your bank’s deposit size. The NBA’s recent strategic initiative planning process served to enlighten participating bankers and staff regard- ing some perceptions, or perhaps misperceptions, about the NBA, NBISCO, and VEBA. The NBA is a dues-supported 501(c)6 organization estab- lished to represent the common interests of our membership. NBA positions on ALL issues are established by the NBA Government Relations Committee and confirmed by the NBA Board of Directors. We cooperate with the American Bankers Association in lobbying our elected representatives when our interests are the same, which is generally most of the time. TheNebraska Bankers Insurance &Services Co. (NBISCO) is a wholly owned subsidiary whose purpose is to utilize the collective buying power of the industry to provide high-quality, competitively priced products to our members. In addition to being self supporting, NBISCO provides financial support to the NBA to lessen our dependency on dues. Your loyalty in utilizing NBISCO products helps support your association. The NBA’s Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association (VEBA) is the trust that allows bankers to come together to self insure their health insurance costs. As with the NBA and NBISCO, the VEBA is governed by its own board of trustees, who are NBA-member bankers. In recent years, NBISCO has served as the third-party administrator for the VEBA. The VEBA contracts with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska for claims adjudication and payment of claims. Every service offered by the NBA, as well as the organi- zational structure of the NBA and its affiliates, is governed by you, our member financial institutions. The best way to affect positive change in the NBA is to get involved, stay involved, and actively engage in the association’s decision- making processes. Thank you to all of our loyal members for your continued involvement in the Nebraska Bankers Association. Your passion and commitment are an inspiration to me and the rest of the NBA staff. Your drive and loyalty will keep this association and the banking industry inNebraska prospering for many, many years to come. Z Q Loyalty — continued Working with community banks throughout the upper Midwest Participation loans (commercial, agricultural, construction, operating lines and term loans) Bank stock and ownership loans Bank building financing Business and personal loans for bankers Fannie Mae multi-family permanent financing Tom Ishaug Call us for quick response, competitive rates and flexible underwriting. 3100 13th Ave. S., Fargo, N.D. | 800.450.8949 Member FDIC • Banking & Finance • Municipal Law • Bankruptcy • Employment Law • Business & Commercial Law • Sanitary & Improvement Districts 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, NE 68124 (P) 402.391.6777 (F) 402.390.9221 Croker,Huck,Kasher,DeWitt, Anderson & Gonderinger,L.L.C. AT T O R N E Y S AT L AW Providing quality legal services to businesses and individuals in such areas as: • Real Estate • Estate Planning • Probate • Taxation • Litigation • Tax Foreclosure ReachGeorge Beattie at (402) 474-1555 or .
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