Pub. 7 2010-2013 Issue 3

September/October 2012 15 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. daily. The wide variety of resources allows each individual bank, no matter the size or the amount of time in busi- ness, to customize a group of documents specific to their needs. If a document is ever needed but is not available on the website, Compliance Alliance will create the document. The products on the Compliance Alliance website are produced in house allowing questions to be answered by the creator. Compliance specialists are available to answer ques- tions as well as counsel on bank-specific issues. Each dedicated staff member at Compliance Alliance has banking, regu- latory, and/or legal experience. In addition to products, Compliance Alliance also offers many services to its subscribing banks. To help bankers with advertising reviews, which are dif- ficult to complete, Compliance Alliance offers a review checklist. If the bank’s compliance officer is not comfortable or lacks the time to complete the review, a compliance specialist from Compli- ance Alliance also can complete the bank’s advertising review for them. A few of the many other services include a compliance calendar, daily emails with news and links to the recently posted website documents, weekly and monthly newsletters, and links to all of the handbooks, manuals, and regulatory guidance documents from the regula- tory agencies. Compliance Alliance also offers services not available anywhere else, such as the Compliance Hotline. While most compliance resources are only available by phone or on an online forum, Compliance Alliance specialists are available by phone, email, and live chat, andmembers are not limited to the amount of calls they can make a month or the length of time spent talking to the attorneys or compliance specialists. Another unique aspect is the all- inclusive guarantee. Compliance Al- liance guarantees that once you have made your subscription payment you will never be asked for another dime for any existing or future products. Compliance Alliance is also unique in that member banks are allowed an unlimited amount of usernames and passwords for the interactive website, allowing anyone in the bank to use the products and services. Compliance Alliance has built a regulatory compliance team, consist- ing of eight veteran employees with more than 80 years of combined banking, regulatory, and compliance experience, all of which are well quali- fied to assist banks in addressing the challenges of the rapidly changing regulatory environment. Compliance Alliance understands the challenges compliance officers are facing to find the correct resources for their banks. Each document is created to assist any bank, from the smallest to the largest. If your internal auditor is creating your policies, don’t take the chance of having your audits being de- termined not to be independent. Call Compliance Alliance today!  we’re Always CLOSE BY NetWorks is the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) service provider that Nebraskans have used and learned to trust like family for over 30 years. Since our offices are right here in Nebraska, you can count on us to provide quick and personalized service for all of your EFT needs. Give us a call and let’s talk about how we can simplify EFT for you. You will talk with a fellow Nebraskan and not some automated system. Toll Free 800-735-6833 Local 402-434-8202 For more information about Compliance Alliance, or to sign up for a free preview of the products and services, call 888-353-3933.