Pub. 7 2010-2013 Issue 3 8 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. Too often, the only time our legislators hear fromus is when we are complaining about aparticular law, proposed regulation, or another issue. It’s time to come upwith new ideas and better ways todeliver ourmessage, to get away fromhaving only nega- tive communications, and to do a better job of telling our story. We can start developing better, more positive relationships with our legislators by scheduling more visits and increasing communication with them. Our relationships with our con- gressmen will improve if each legislator knows—in detail—all the things that bankers do for the lawmaker’s constituents back home in the district. Bankers and legislators will always agree onone thing—the importance of taking care of their customers/ constituents back home. Make your communicationwith legislators personal by put- ting the things you do into numbers like: • How many mortgages did your bank make? How many people did you help put in homes? • Howmany small businesses did you help start? Howmany jobs did that create or maintain? • How many hours did your bank employees volunteer to good causes? What charitable contributions did your bank make to the community? Show legislators in detail the specific accomplishments the bank has made and what makes you proud to be a banker. It would also help if we thanked our legislators when they vote our way. Everyone likes to be thanked, even members of Congress and the senators in our Unicameral! I’m sure irate complaint letters are always stacked high in their offices so a thank-you letter or call would get special attention. When we disagree with them or are unhappy with a particular vote, no matter howhard itmight be, explainyour reasons for opposition in a polite, professional manner. That will do just as much for your credibility as anything. Here’s another tip: Get to know the elected official’s staff. While I know it’s disappointing if you are unable to meet with your legislator face to face, agree to meet with their staffers. Lawmakers are very busy people and they rely on their staff- ers to gain knowledge on what issues are important to their constituency. Many staffers specialize in particular legislative areas, such as banking, and can be very influential in providing information and contacts when the need arises. Do these things and then the next time you call about a specific issue, it won’t be the first time your legislators have heard from you and they will already know how supporting pro-banking legislation can benefit their constituents. 1125 South 103rd Street Omaha, NE 68124 402.390.9500 koleyjessen .com COMMERCIAL LOANS - TIF/BOND FINANCING DIP FINANCING - BANKRUPTCY/CREDITORS’ RIGHTS REGULATORY COMPLIANCE - GENERAL CORPORATE Max Burbach & Tom Ackley Politics — continued
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