Pub. 7 2012-2013 Issue 4 26 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. A Review of Proper Hold-Up Procedures Donald M. Towle , President, Kansas Bankers Surety Co. SECURITY OFFICER’S BY-WORD I F WE STOP TO THINK ABOUT IT, THE Sunday church service is nothing more than a weekly reminder of the need to follow the Ten Com- mandments. Bank security works in the same manner. Bank employees need to be reminded constantly of the need to follow proper security procedures. The following is an outline of proper hold-up procedures to assist the bank in reminding employees of the need to follow the procedures. Before the Hold-Up 1. Keep currency in the top working drawer to the absolute minimum ($3,000 to $5,000). 2. Keep the excess of minimumcash in a second LOCKEDdrawer, available to the teller but not immediately to bandits. 3. Keep bait money in each drawer, in the vault cash, and in all cash carried by a bank messenger. 4. Most importantly, stay alert! Ob- serve the activity in the bank lobby. 5. Know where the alarm is and how to set it off, if necessary. During the Hold-Up 1. Obey the robber’s demands— SLOWLY. 2. Avoid any action that might endan- ger anyone’s life. 3. Activate the alarm and camera if it can be done safely. Bill trap alarms can always be set off. Buttons and foot alarms may not be safely set off until the robber turns to leave the teller’s window. 4. Observe the robbery. Be a witness; not just a victim. 5. Do not give the robber more than he demands. 6. Retain any note used by the robber. 7. Be sure to include the bait money and security packs. 8. Set off the alarm immediately after the robber is gone, even if it has already been set off. 9. Observe the robber’s direction of escape, type of vehicle, and the license number. After the Hold-Up 1. Call the police IMMEDIATELY. Quickly describe the bandit(s), the getaway method, and direction of travel. 2. Stay on the telephone until the po- lice tell you to hang up. 3. Send someone outside to meet the authorities when they arrive. 4. Secure the area where the robbers may have left fingerprints or other evidence. 5. Complete the robbery description report before talking to anyone about the details of the hold-up. 6. One person should be designated to speak to the news services. The bank spokesman must: a. Not disclose the amount of the loss. b.Not disclose the names of the tell- ers or witnesses. c. Not allow news photographs or TV coverage inside the bank. d.Not disclose security procedures of the bank. e. Not disclose information about overlooked or safeguarded cash not lost. 7. Report to the news services any rewards that are offered. NOTE: The NBA offers rewards for original information leading to the arrest and filing of charges against persons involved in robberies of NBA-member commercial banks and savings institutions. The state- wide reward is up to $5,000; the Omaha metro-area reward is up to $25,000; and the Lincoln-area reward is up to $15,000. 8. Notify the bonding company and ap- propriate supervisory authorities. Z For more information, contact Kansas Bankers Surety Co. at (785) 228-0000. We respectfully request your cooperation to help preserve the SAFETY and ITY of our customer MEMB NBA ROBBERY REWARD PROGRAM