Pub. 7 2012-2013 Issue 4

Take your Financial Institution to a whole new level of success ... a level where you: • Provide customers with a platform where all their financial needs are met • Increase operating margins as well as your bottom line • Gain more of your customers’ assets by offering new products • Acquire new customers and cross-sell traditional banking products • Provide robust wealth management solutions • Build high-end referrals to your bank By partnering with JFC Financial Services and Securities America, it’s easier than you think! To remain competitive and meet the needs of increasingly investment-savvy customers, Financial Institutions need to examine the benefits of offering a wider variety of investing options. Have you considered adding an investment program? Or are you re-evaluating your current third party manager relationship? Then consider the partnership endorsed by the Nebraska Bankers Association: JFC Financial Services and Securities America! With over 25 years of industry experience, advisor Jack Connealy has developed a turn-key solution for Financial Institutions to provide investment services. In fact, Jack was previously named as a “Top 25 Rep” in Bank Investment Consultant magazine because of his “ability to train and coach licensed bankers in their branches and to cross-refer business to other bank departments, including loans, mortgage lending, and small-business banking.” Securities America, one of the nation’s top independent Broker/Dealers, has the tools to support your investment program, including leading-edge technology, a large array of investment and insurance products, business development resources, marketing and communication tools and more! Call JFC Financial Services TODAY at 800-262-9538 to learn how to incorporate a profitable investment program in your bank! Your Business Growth Expert 800-989-8441 • inancial Services Comprehensive Wealth Management 800-262-9538 • Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC and Advisory Services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc., Jack Connealy, Representative. JFC Financial Services and the Securities America companies are separate entities. Not FDIC Insured. No Bank Guarantees. May Lose Value. #238568_10/2010 POWER THE Jim Nagengast , President and CEO of Securities America, and Jack Connealy , President of JFC Financial Services. OF PARTNERSHIP