Pub. 7 2012-2013 Issue 6
March | April 2013 9 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. Banking issues can be complicated, but the business of banking—taking in deposits and making loans—is basic and essential. It’s the fuel that powers our nation’s economic growth engine. W E WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT policymakers understand this vital relationship. As part of our advocacy ef- forts, we’re embarking on a course to educate members of Congress and others about banking and the critical role Nebraska banks play in the health and well-being of the local and national economy. We’ve learned frompast experience that a lack of understanding about banking—the hows and whys of what you do—poses a threat to good policy. It makes it difficult to approach a complex banking issue when policymakers lack a solid grounding about our industry. We’re working to change this. In January, we sent every lawmaker in the U.S. House and in the Senate a copy of “The Business of Banking: What Every PolicyMaker Needs to Know.” This 72- page guide, which you can download at , explains how banks convert customer deposits and other funds into loans that help businesses and communities grow. “The Business of Banking” pro- vides a fact-based examination of the industry as well as the competitive landscape of financial services, includ- ing nonbanks and credit unions. One interesting fact: Of the nation’s 6,900 banks, 66 percent have been in busi- ness for 50-plus years and 38 percent have been in business for 100 years or more. That’s making a long-term investment in the community and our nation. While we’re using “The Business of Banking” in our efforts to educate lawmakers at the national level, you can put it to work in Nebraska when you talk with state and local leaders. You can also use it to educate employees. The topics covered include the basics of banking, deposits, loans, jobs and job creation, economic growth, and more. I hope you find it useful. We also recently published and posted online a guide for lawmakers on hot-button issues. Our guide, “2013 Key Banking Issues for Congress: Why They Matter to You and Your Con- stituents,” is designed to help educate Congress on our top policy issues. The guide provides background information on the credit union tax exemption, Basel III, municipal advisor registration requirements, and bank examination legislation, among other issues. For each topic, we explain how the issues affect lawmakers’ constitu- ents and what Congress can do to help. You can read or download the guide at Washington Update Financial Education for Lawmakers Frank Keating , President & CEO, American Bankers Association Q Financial Education — continued on page 10
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