Pub. 8 2013-2013 Issue 5

January | February 2014 13 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. The Act allows the LLC or any of its members to purchase the economic interest subject to a charging order at any time prior to the foreclosure sale of the LLCmembership interest. 6 A creditor must be mindful of which interests in a debtor’s LLC membership interest are transferable in the event the creditor accepts the LLCmembership interest as security for a debt. The interest that may be pledged as security is substan- tially different than the interest in pledged corporate stock. As discussed, a creditor does not gain the right to participate in the governance or management of the LLC, nor is the creditor able to gain access to the books of the LLC. This substantially impairs a creditor’s ability to protect its interest in the LLC membership interest. Further, the lack of governance rights substantially affects the utility of taking a security interest in a debtor’s LLC membership interest. The next article in this series will discuss what a credi- tor can do to protect its security interest in a debtor’s LLC membership interest.  6 Neb. Rev. Stat. § 21-142. Allan Williams concentrates his practice on corporate and real estate transactions and provides support to Husch Blackwell’s Real Estate, Development, and Construction Practice Specialty Center. You may contact Williams at (402) 964-5221 or allan.williams@ Nebraska Bankers Association 2015 Scenes of Nebraska Calendar *Pricing Information: OrdersplacedbyJune1,2014 receive the lowpriceof99¢per calendar.After June1,2014,price is$1.09.Ordersof5000+will receivea reduced rateof 95¢percalendar.Eachorderwillhaveanadditional$25.00production fulfillmentcharge (layout forpress run, in-housepressproof,boxing, labeling),plusshippingandapplicable sales tax.Logowillbeblackunlesscolor is requested.Sendnomoneynow.Orderswillbe billedwhenshipped.OrderscannotbeacceptedafterSeptember1,2014. TheNebraskaBankersAssociation ispleased toofferyou theScenesofNebraskaCalendar for the seventh consecutiveyear.Thiscalendarwill featurephotosofNebraska submittedbyNebraskabankersand their familymembers.Yourbank logoandnamecanbeprintedoneachcalendar todisplay inhomesand businessesallyear long. Calendarordersaredueby June1,2014, toget the lowpriceof99¢*percalendar. TheScenesofNebraskacalendarsareexclusive toNBAmemberbanks.Thesecalendarsareagreat opportunity to thankyourcustomers for theirbusinessandpromoteyourbank.TheNBA logo isalso included toemphasize the strengthand securityofNebraska’sbanking industry.Please see the informationbelowandorder today!Allorderswillbe shippedNovember1,2014. Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________________________ Bank __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________________________________________________ StreetAddress____________________________City__________________State______Zip___________ Quantity (minimumorder100) ____________ Bank logoand/orname to imprintneeds tobeprovided inan IllustratorEPSorhigh resolutionTIFfile (300dpi) andemailed to pplyall linkedartand fonts required toprintyourfile.** Use same imprint from the2014ScenesofNebraskaCalendar. Blackbank logo (FREE) Color logo (add$100 toorder) Newcalendarorder (Pleaseprovidebank logo/nameaccording tofile requirementsabove.) We’veorderedbefore,buthavechanges toour imprintarea. (Pleasenotechanges in theSpecialRequestsarea.) Wouldyou likeaproofemailed toyou? Yes No, Idonotneed to seeaproof. SpecialRequests: ___________________________________________________________________ **$65.00/hour (prorated)chargemayapply if logoor imprintdesignchangesneed tobemade toartwork supplied. MaIlto: NebraskaBankersAssociation Attn: JoniSundquist POBox80008 Lincoln,NE68501-0008 faxto: 402-474-2946 Attn: JoniSundquist eMaIlto: Phone: 402-474-1555 websIte: Products&Services>>Marketing&Promotion Imprintarea (1.25”x10.375”) how tosubmitYourorder