Pub. 9 2014-2015 Issue 3

September | October 2014 15 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. C A P I T A L M A R K E T S G R O U P SINCE 1985, WE’VE DELIVERED THE FINANCIAL SERVICES community banks need. But only after establishing what they really want: a solidworking relationshipwith professionals who put people first. Call us to get started. • Portfolio Strategy, Sales and Service • Bond and Securities Underwriting/Trading • Comprehensive ALM and Derivatives Consulting • BancPath® and FlexLoan® via Asset Management Group For more information, call Kansas Bankers Surety at (785) 228-0000. This bank now has additional training to stress how important it is for bank employees to follow the bank’s pro- cedures. Safe deposit box procedures should always require the customer to be in control of the customer key and the box contents. This protects the customer. It also protects honest bank employees from unjust accusations. Situations occur in every bank where the box is too high or too low for the customer to reach. It is perfectly acceptable for the bank employee to pull out the box insert and even carry it for the customer when absolutely necessary. However, the employee must make certain that the unopened box insert remains in full view of the customer. When an employee takes that one little extra step and handles the box insert outside the view of the customer, even if the employee has the best of intentions, the bank and the employee are placed in a position of possibly being accused of theft by a trusted customer with a less than perfect memory. Never handle the box insert or a customer key unless absolutely necessary. When it is truly necessary to handle the box insert or customer key, you must make certain that you handle them in full view of the customer at all times and make sure they are watching you. It protects you! 