Pub. 9 2014-2015 Issue 3 4 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. 16 26 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 EDITORIAL: The Nebraska Banker seeks to reflect news and information relevant to Nebraska and other news and information of direct interest to members of the Nebraska Bankers Association. Statement of fact and opinion are made on the responsibility of the authors alone and do not represent the opinion or endorsement of the Nebraska Bankers Association. Articles may be reproduced with written permission only. ADVERTISEMENTS: The publication of advertisements does not necessarily represent endorsement of those products or services by the Nebraska Bankers Association. The editor reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. SUBSCRIPTION: Subscription to themagazine, which began bi-monthly publication inMay 2006, is included in membership fees to the Nebraska Bankers Association. 8 7 Chairman’s Message – NBA Task Force Finalizes Dues & Board Composition With the changing demographics of our state and their effect on bank structure and locations, restructuring of the NBA is necessary to better reflect the banking industry in Nebraska. By Craig Brewster, Chairman, Nebraska Bankers Association, and President & CEO, Butte State Bank 8 Washington Update – Filling a Growing Need Bankers can fill a need while grooming a new generation of bank customers by providingwise counsel on personal financial management issues. By Frank Keating, President & CEO, American Bankers Association 10 NBA Education Calendar 12 Counselor’s Corner – Reaping What You Sow: Ag Lending Risk Management Although a bank can’t control commodity prices or production levels, diligent adherence to prudent lending practices and regulatory guidance can help manage losses, even when a borrower’s farm operation experiences significant stress. By Jeff Makovicka, Kutak Rock LLP 14 Security Officer’s By-Word – Safe Deposit Box Procedures Protect Employees Learn how to protect your customers while also protecting honest bank employees from unjust accusations. By Charles M. Towle, President, Kansas Bankers Surety Co. 16 Tech Talk – Gone Phishing Phishing attacks are a part of life. Unfortunately, the banking industry is the primary target of these types of attacks. By Russ Horn, CISA, CISSP, CRISC, President, CoNetrix 18 Farm It Out! With change comes great opportunity for banks that arewilling to adjust and adapt to newways of managing tasks that take away from the true business of banking. By Marc Mathis, NuSource Financial 20 Regulatory Feedback Initiative Allows Bankers to Make Their Voices Heard Rather than resigning yourself to live with uncertainty regarding what issues will be covered in your next exam or how a regulation will be enforced, take action through the Regulatory Feedback Initiative. 23 Don’t Let a Charged-Off Checking Account Become a Minefield Does your bank have a policy of adding the balance of a charged-off deposit account to the principal of a loan the customer has at your bank? Learnwhy this course of action could cause your bank regulatory headaches. By Darlia Fogarty, Director of Compliance, Compliance Alliance 26 Bert Ely’s Farm Credit Watch – Every Young Farmer in America Has an FCS Loan? Although the Farm Credit System is a very aggressive lender, it is well known that it has not been aggressive in providing credit to young farmers. By Bert Ely, Alexandria, Va.