Pub. 9 2014-2015 Issue 4
November | December 2014 17 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. Log out when finished. Securely purchasing your gifts is only the beginning. Do you know how much damage hack- ers could do if you didn’t log out of your Amazon account and then misplaced your phone? As Amazon currently sells more than 200 million products, let’s just say, a lot. And whether you are at work or shopping from home in your jammies on Cyber Monday: Be mindful. It’s one thing to be aware of a threat. It’s another thing to be mindful of it. Awareness involves the ability to recognize an issue, whereas mindfulness is all about anticipating the issue and being prepared with a response. Hackers often have the advantage of surprise, but if you stay “in the know” (by staying in touch with the cyber-community, by installing antivirus updates in a timely and secure manner, and by thinking before you act) then your chances of staying safe just got a whole lot better. May you have happy, secure, hacker-free holidays! AlyssaMiddleton is a Security+ certified tandem software support specialist for CoNetrix. CoNetrix is a provider of information security consulting, IT/ GLBA audits and security testing, and tandem—a security and compliance software suite designed to help financial institutions create and maintain their Information Security Programs. Visit CoNetrix at DEPENDABLE Nebraska banks are dependable financial partners in the communities they serve. We are here to support your services. Regulatory Consultation and Compliance Loan Default Remedies and Bankruptcy Representation Real Estate Purchase, Sale and Leasing General Business Representation Loan Origination and Workout Loan Participations Bank Mergers and Acquisitions Succession Planning for Owners Commercial Litigation Lincoln Omaha Denver
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