Pub. 9 2014-2015 Issue 6
March/April 2015 11 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. next generation. Similarly, succession planning will be key to the long-term sustainability of our member institutions. The NBA can, and will, play a more active role in attracting the next generation of workers to ourmembers. This strategy is best witnessed by the NBA’s recent efforts in coordinat- ing the Nebraska Bank Career Fair held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln onMarch 10. Look formore opportunities to help fill the talent void in the coming months. • Technology is changing the way the NBA communicates and interacts with our members. Going forward, we will need to adapt to the changing demands of our members. We are now, for example, actively delivering our marketing and communication via social media in addition to our more traditional delivery channels. • Products and services offered through NBISCO and VEBA are essential to meeting the ever-changing needs of our members. However, it is clear that our suite of products and services will need to evolve. Issues out of the control of the NBA and NBISCO, such as changing health care regulation, may have profound impacts on the ability of NBISCO to meet customer demands. • I have workedwith our staff to begin a reviewof all programs and services. This review will be ongoing and will include both a program impact and a financial review. Likewise, we will actively seek member input. One initial program President’s Message — continued from page 7 Reach Richard Baier at (402) 474-1555 or . review, for example, led to the consolidation of the fall Area Networking Forums (August) and the Legislative Forums (December). The new GroupMeetings will be held in Octo- ber at locations across the state and will include presenta- tions fromboth seated state senators and candidates (where applicable) as well as from relevant speakers/presenters. • Similarly, we have worked with our members to consolidate and reconfigure the schedule for our NBA Annual Conven- tion. The new schedule includes concluding the convention at noon on Friday so that our members who are traveling back across the state can be home by Friday evening. • One area that I grossly underestimated when I accepted this position was the impact of bank consolidation on the operations and priorities of the organization. Mergers and acquisitions have a direct impact on the revenue stream of both NBA and NBISCO. We will need to continually find more efficient and effective uses of your membership investment. Obviously, it is not possible to lay out a complete organi- zational analysis or strategic plan in a short magazine article. However, I wanted you to know that your NBA staff is actively engaged in efforts to position the NBA for future success. I look forward to working with you, our valued members, to make your association stronger for the next generation.
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