Pub. 9 2014-2015 Issue 6
March/April 2015 17 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. BOSC, Inc. is pleased to welcome Vice President and Institutional Sales Officer, Wesley Samson. With more than 13 years of fixed income experience, Wesley brings extensive experience in portfolio management assisting financial institutions, corporations, municipalities and nonprofit organizations with their investment needs. BOSC, Inc. is backed by BOK Financial Corporation, a $29 billion financial services holding company, so you’ll have access to the resources of a strong financial organization along with the professional insights and expertise of a capable and energetic team. Wesley Samson Joins BOSC, Inc. ©2015BOSC, Inc.Securitiesoffered throughBOSC, Inc.,a registeredbroker/dealer,memberFINRA/SIPCandasubsidiaryofBOKFinancialCorporation.Advisoryservicesoffered throughBOSC, Inc.dbaBOKFinancialAdvisors,anSEC registered investment adviser. Investments and insurance are not insured by the FDIC; are not deposits or other obligations of, and are not guaranteed by, any bank or bank affiliate. All investments are subject to risk, including possible loss of principal. Wesley Samson VP, Institutional Sales Officer 913.234.6693 Contact: Tennyson W. Grebenar, Stephen T. Johnson, or Karen L. Witt 303.623.9000 · With a national reputation for our financial institutions practice, our goal is to assist clients in structuring and operating their institutions to meet business objectives and regulatory requirements. Our Financial Services Group will help your business run smoothly. Experience works. Albuquerque | Casper | Colorado Springs | Denver | Las Vegas | Phoenix | Reno | Silicon Valley | Tucson
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