Pub. 9 2014-2015 Issue 6
March/April 2015 19 Extraordinary Service for Extraordinary Members. MAXIMIZEYOUR LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL BellevueUniversity isaccreditedby theHigherLearningCommission through theU.S.DepartmentofEducation, ,800-621-7440.BellevueUniversitydoesnotdiscriminateon thebasisofage,race,color,religion,sex, nationaloriginordisability in theeducationalprogramsandactivities itoperates. BellevueUniversity,1000GalvinRoadSouth,Bellevue,NE,68005. Learnmore at: 1.800.756.7920 • BankingOperations Management (BS) • Business Analytics (BS, MS) • Business Administration (BS, MBA) • Strategic Business Administration (SMBA) • Project Management (BS, MPM) • Finance - Strategic Leadership of Value and Risk (MS) Take your career to the next level with a degree in: 20 10 *U.S.News&WorldReport,2014 We know community banking. Regulatory Representation Mergers and Acquisitions Business Succession Planning Litigation toll free 844-704-5296 continuity plan, and vendor oversight program, make sure it works with yours. If you need a system up and going in two hours, will your vendor be able to accomplish that? If your third-party becomes unable to provide services, do either of you have a backup plan? According to the appendix, “It is critical that the TSP have sufficient capacity to meet RTOs and RPOs needed by the financial institution clients.” The only way you can know your vendor’s capacity is through testing andmaking sure that together, you can withstand and recover from a cyberattack or other emergency in a timely fashion. Bottom line: When you sign that contract, your third party becomes a part of you, for better or worse. Therefore, if the regulatory agencies expect something of you, you should ex- pect it from your critical TSPs, because we can’t just maintain security anymore. We must promote resilience. AlyssaMiddleton is a Security+ certified tandem software support specialist for CoNetrix. tandem is a security and compliance software suite designed to help financial institutions develop andmaintain their business continuity plans, vendor management, and information security programs. To learn more about how CoNetrix can help you with these areas, visit www. or email .
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